It's API bloat and I'm also going to have to store some extra privates on some of these classes as well as expose some additional api's to support this. I ran into another issue with not implementing the Global configurator. Take a look at this code.

When used inside of GlobalConfiguratorImpl, the code looks something like this:

 public void disableConfiguratorServices(final ServletRequest request)
       throw new IllegalStateException("Request is already begun.");
request.setAttribute(_IN_REQUEST, _DISABLED);

Now all the IN_REQUEST stuff is basically there to handle proper cleanup and some API enforcement when calling into the GlobalConfigurator's getExternalContext method. It is only exposed through the GlobalConfiguratorImpl. There is no reason for anyone to know about it outside of the impl package and even then in only a few locations. Really though, people should keep their hands off of this. If I have on the normal configurator a getGlobalConfigurator method which returns a configurator, I have to go though much hokeyness in order to tell whether I'm in a request or not. Because API cannot depend on classes in Impl, I'll need to use reflection to get at the private methods unless I want to expose this as an API on the configurator in general and I don't think we want to do that.

We can also just skip the validity checking and modify the attribute, but I would think that if someone is trying to disable the Configurator and the response has already begun, then they should be notified as soon as possible before hokey little errors creep up. There is much in the impl package that depends on the instance of the GlobalConfiguratorImpl and it's silly in my opinion to have to cast it every time we need to use an arbitrary function. And when we need functionality from this guy in the API package (like with the ResourceServlets) the implementation begins to look REAL ugly.

So my question is why should we have to go through all this reflection and casting, making this system dog slow, rather then supporting the proper API's. The amount of work I've had to put in simply to code "around" these issues is amazing. And I still havn't heard any compelling reason why THIS implementation is not good.


Adam Winer wrote:
Well, in this specific instance, it therefore doesn't "bloat" every
configurator, since it only appears in one location.

-- Adam

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