Every once in a great while I make a good suggestion. :) They are few and far between, but.....


Mark Robinson wrote:

I've got all the images I need packaged up in my JAR file. So you can remove the images from Trinidad. I can change the name fairly easily. I think RedwoodShores might be the best name ;)


Adam Winer wrote:

FWIW, we probably should have deleted those images
from Trinidad.  Not because of licensing or anything -
their license is fully transferred to Apache! - but because
they're unused inside of Trinidad.  I'd like to be able
to delete them from Trinidad, and have them packaged
with the skin that uses them.

So, if there's any way you could incorporate the
images you use into your skin's JAR, that would
be great.

Also, I'd recommend that you choose some new
name for the skin, just to avoid any questions of
ownership/copyright, etc., down the road.


On 1/30/07, Mark Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Matt,

I've been working on a skin which looks like the old Oracle skin from
ADF.  There's been some moderate interest in it on the user mailing
list.  It is based upon images/CSS from inside Trinidad.  What this
means is that it's licensed under the Apache license.  So it can be
freely used inside Trinidad.

I've packaged into a separate deployable jar for one reason.

1) It makes distributing/managing it so very easy
Drop it into your WEB-INF/lib and change your skin to oracle and off you go.

Otherwise, I'm completely infavour of re-integrating it back into
mainline Trinidad.  Anyways, you can download it at



Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
> what does that mean ?
> "finished up the packing for thje Oracle Skin" ?
> Is it like "taking the ADF Faces Skin" and bundling it separate?
> If yes, I am pretty much sure that we cannot have it here in Trinidad,
> since
> that code belongs Oracle.
> Oracle donated *parts* of ADF Faces to the ASF, what is now called
> Trinidad.
> If the code is something you/your company wrote on your own which is
> similar to the *Oracle Skin*, I am fine with that.
> I'd suggest uploading it to a private homepage first. Danny Robinson
> does something similar with his *new* controll / component
> Thanks,
> Matthias
> On 1/30/07, Mark Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I've finished up the packing for the Oracle Skin.  Is there a
>> sandbox/upload region available?
>> Mark

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