
You're not using this in a Portal POC correct?


Jeanne Waldman wrote:

I updated my trunk and I'm having problems, and I'm wondering if it is because of one of these patches.
To reproduce:
- run a demo, like index.jspx
--- the page comes up fine, but this renders on the page: "com.sun.faces.saveStateFieldMarker"
 ---- I see these warnings:
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:25 AM org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RenderingContext attach WARNING: Trying to attach RenderingContext to a thread that already had one. Feb 14, 2007 10:31:25 AM org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.context.RequestContextImpl _createChangeManager
INFO: Apache Trinidad is using HTTPSession for change persistence
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:26 AM org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.CoreRenderKit encodeFinally
WARNING: No AdfRenderingContext available

- I click on a link on the page, and it does not navigate

Does anyone know what the problem is? I doubled checked to make sure I had <output-mode>portlet commented out in trinidad-config.xml.


- Jeanne

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Can someone please take a look at the patches for the following JIRA issues and give me your feedback so that we can get these merged into the JSF 1.2 branch and trunk?


Scott O'Bryan

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