Hi devs,

as mentioned on general @i.a.o (see [1] in case you aren't
subscribed), we got three binding +1 votes from the incubator PMC

I will follow up this email with an OFFICIAL release announcement later.
Please note, the I already deployed the artifacts to the *real*
incubator m2 repo ([2]).


[1] http://tinyurl.com/24roxf
[2] http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-incubating-repository/

On 2/22/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi guys,

thanks for participating on the vote. Here is the result:

binding +1:
-Gabrielle Crawford (Trinidad PPMC member)
-Adam Winer (Trinidad PPMC member)
-Simon Lessard (Trinidad PPMC member)
-Martin van den Bemt (Mentor of Trinidad / Incubator PMC)
-Matthias Wessendorf (Trinidad PPMC member / MyFaces PMC member)

non-binding +1:
-Manfred Geiler (MyFaces PMC Chair)
-Scott O'Bryan (contributor)

none :)

I'll now bring up the vote on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list


Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://jroller.com/page/mwessendorf
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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