Hello everyones,

I'm currently unable to compile plugins project qith Maven because of the
following error:

[INFO] [plugin:descriptor]
[INFO] Using 2 extractors.
[INFO] Applying extractor for language: java
[INFO] syntax error @[864,1] in
[INFO] Trace
com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.ParseException: syntax error @[864,1] in
       at com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.impl.Parser.yyerror(Parser.java:638)
       at com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.impl.Parser.yyparse(Parser.java:747)
       at com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.impl.Parser.parse(Parser.java:619)

It's the first time I see this kind of error. I already tried clearing my
Maven repo, compile from a clean project, nothing will do. Am I the only one
with that peticular issue currently? And does anyone ever saw that error in
the past and know how to get rid of it by any chance?


~ Simon

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