-1.  Text can be just as much a part of a skin as visual
images are.   For example, if you define a skin that
adds an icon, I think you should define the alternate
text for that icon in the same artifact - the skin.

It's artificial to my taste to decide that all translatable
text are messages, and that MessageBundle should be
used to customize every last bit of text.

FWIW, I'm never a big fan of "Windows designed
it such a way, so let's do it the same way", etc...  too
often, software is designed badly.  I saw many
Java libraries follow the poor example of JSTL and
Struts and add "bundle" and "key" properties onto all
tags that required translatable text.  JSF intentionally
pushed aside that precedent, and I'm glad we did.

-- Adam

On 3/17/07, Simon Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all, here's a controversial issue.

I'm not too fond of the resource bundle being part of a skin. To me, it's
just added complexity for users as they have to split their text resources
between two files (or use the same file for both but define it in 2
different places). I would rather see those text resource being loaded from
the application specific message bundle and then from the embedded
MessageBundle class, leaving only the "how" page are shown to skin, not the
"what". To my opinion, here're the pros and cons of the feature:


   - Allow you to change some text resources simply by changing used
   - Can be useful if you have a skin for small screen where you need to
   get text resources as short as possible.


   - If you want to use a skin but change the text resource you have to
   redifine a new skin inheriting the skin you want to use just to override the
   text resources;
   - It split the text resources in one more file rather than using the
   application specific message-bundle which is the easiest to understand for
   - It's incorrect for a skin to switch text values as a skin should not
   affect the perceivable semantic of an application. For example, I don't
   think it should be the skin responsibility to choose the the tooltip applied
   to a next set link of a process train, but this feature allow you to have
   one skin defining the text to "Next step group" and another to "Next step".
   The true semantic behind would be of course unchanged as the skin cannot
   control that, but to the user it's going to be different. Furthermore, to my
   knowledge, Winamp skins and Windows themes does not affect text resources
   and since those are the most well known form of skinning, I think we should
   conform to that.


~ Simon

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