On 3/29/07, Peter Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've started doing some work on this.

On 02/02/07, Adam Winer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  (1) Page in data as necessary, automatically

I'm not entirely sure how this is supposed to be done with the
CollectionModel.  As we're using JPA what we want is a something like:

// build the query
List list = query.getResultList();

// wrap the result list in a datamodel.

but the CollectionModel isn't updated with paging information - it
seems to be stored on the component.

Any hints ;)

Well, in theory, you'd do this semi-lazily:  have a fetch
size stored in the model (which, depending on what
sort of caching you have available, might be a
multiple of the row count on the component), and then
on the first request for a particular row, fire the query
off with a heuristic for setFirstResults() and the fetch
size for setMaxResults().

The pain comes if you want to do this aggressively
(e.g., before Render Response).

>  (2) Report good permanent row keys, so
>    that adding/removing rows gets picked up
>    without any off-by-one errors.

It should be possible to use the business key of the entity for this,
just some problems arise as the EntityManager isn't always available.

>  (3) Perform sorting directly on the model

This works nicely - translating the sort criterion into an order by
and an order by into a List<SortCriterion>.  Trinidad doesn't seem to
support a List<SortCriterion> with more than one element however (it
just displays the little arrow for the first criterion)?

Well, it's certainly great progress to support a single sort criterion.
I do think we should have some UI support for at least displaying
secondary sort criteria, even if there's nothing built in on tr:column
for activating multiple sort criteria straight from the UI.

-- Adam

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