I'm close to checking in the code regarding adding the Skin's styleSheetDocument's id to the generated css file instead of the version so it will changed when the skin's styles
change.. I created  a JIRA issue to track it.
I would like to propose an API on the Skin class to get the Skin's StyleSheetDocument's id. This is so a portal can tell us not to render our stylesheet if they have a matching one. They can use this api to get their stylesheet document id and send it to us, along with a suppressStylesheet flag, and we can suppress the stylesheet if they match, otherwise,
we'll default to the portlet skin.

* Returns the id of the Skin's stylesheet document. This is the StyleSheetDocument's
  * id.
 public String getStyleSheetDocumentId(RenderingContext arc);


Jeanne Waldman wrote:

I'm proposing putting a hashcode value in the generated css file instead of a version string.
Let me explain why:

Now your generated css file will be something like this
where the version is 1_2-07-mar-SNAPSHOT

The version # was in the css file name originally so that when a new version
was released the css file name would change and thus
the user will get the new css file instead of the old one that is cached in the browser.

A person that creates a skin might update his skin more often than Trinidad releases and so he'll want the generated css filename to change to match his release, not Trinidad's. One way to work around the problem is to add the version to the skin file and use that
in the generated filename.
But that is one more file that has to get updated when someone changes the skin and/or releases a new release, so I don't like that idea. I've also discussed with some coworkers using a timestamp, but that got nixed because of the complexities that might occur in load-balanced

I think a better way is to create a hashcode of the Skin's StyleSheetDocument and write this in the file. So far people seem to like this idea, and I want to know what you think.

Creating a hashcode on StyleSheetDocument
also solves another problem I must solve for the portal project I'm working on. They want to tell me to use a particular skin and suppress my stylesheet so that their stylesheet
can be used instead - this is for performance reasons.
I can do that ok, but only if the skin's StyleSheetDocument's hashcode
matches, otherwise the portlet may very well not work with the outer page's (portal's) stylesheet if
they don't match exactly.
So I need the portal to tell me their skin's StyleSheetDocument's 'id/hashcode' and I will compare it to the portlet's and if they are not the same I will render the portlet skin instead of the skin they requested.

Anyway, let me know what you think about adding the hashcode to the filename or if you have any questions about this
Also, for the portal part of the problem, I'll need to add an api to the Skin class to getStyleSheetDocumentId
or something like that.


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