I like your arguments and after reading this thread, I like the idea
of a subproject better than a TLP too. I wanted to comment so
ya'll will know there are more people reading the thread and
forming an opinion than have been commenting thus far. :)
- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:
Personally I don't think a TLP would be a good idea just yet since JSF is
still relatively new compared to some older well known frameworks. I think
it's easier for new users to find all they need from one entry point and
MyFaces seems the right place for that, at least for now.

Also, being a subproject will probably improve the users' confidence in
library compatibility as well as encourage that compatibility to be
kept/improved by developers.

It may just be a feeling, but it seems to me that making Trinidad TLP right
away would make it look a bit like a loner, especially since Tobago and
Tomahawk are MyFaces sub projects. If JSF component sets should be TLP(s),
then I think it should be done all at the same time, and this cannot be
achieved until we harmonize Tomahawk, Trinidad and Tobago imho.

My 2ยข,

~ Simon

On 4/11/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That was also a point of Noel, when proposing the RCF donation thing.
He was asking, why not having a "JSF components" project.

Perhaps that might be an interesting option, not sure yet; but when
RCF arrives somewhen.. there would be another component set.

Perhaps we should move the discussion for a "split" to the MyFaces DEV
list, that the MyFaces PMC is also able to comment.

The components project could have a similar fashion like Jakarta.

But since this isn't yet the case, I'd agree that a subproject is the
best, for now.


On 4/11/07, Adam Winer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If there was an idea to split MyFaces into an implementation
> half and a component set half, each as separate TLPs, then
> I'd see your point - but as it is, MyFaces the TLP is both
> an implementation and (currently) 2 component sets.
> -- Adam
> On 4/10/07, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry for the one in all reply..
> >
> > Ok, let's switch perspective's here. MyFaces (the codebase) is a JSF
> > Tomahawk and Trinidad are JSF component sets. I am not comparing the
possible overlap of the
> > component sets, I am  focussing on the possible lack of overlap in
community of the JSF
> > implementation and the component sets. Different goals, different
users and different developers
> > (although the last is not yet the case, it is most likely someone
interested in components is not
> > interested in coding on the JSF implementation).
> >
> > Just playing bad cop here though, to hopefully prevent this situation
(if you are aware of these
> > signs you can watch out for it)
> >
> > Not going to vote -1 on a move to MyFaces.
> >
> > Mvgr,
> > Martin
> >

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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