On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 12:16:38PM +0300, Haim Gelfenbeyn wrote:
> This is true for the select number of very widely-used packages.
> However, rarely-used software is not audied actively, and security bugs
> are not fixed prompty. Take for example, Interbase. Wide-open backdoor
> was discovered only months after this quite popular database went
> open-source. 

After existing in the closed-source version for many years. Actually
I consider Interbase a very good example.

> My message was that rejecting closed-source software just because it's
> closed source is not a solution for most people. Common user have to
> trust someone...

I agree with most of your points but I disagree here. It is better to
hope that at least one person in the world will choose to publish 
crucial security information than to trust a single company (and by
definition not an impartial company, too) to do the same.

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