On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 04:36:55PM +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Now, even if Mr. Torvalds frowns upon this methdology, the other
> developers will still have the benefit of not having to cope with his
> caprices. I can testify that CVS is a great tool and one wonders how he
> lived without it. I used CVS for my IP-Noise project (which eventually
> produced a Linux kernel module) and am using it now for doing my homework
> in the Technion "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
> course.

I don't know if this is the place to debate this, as it's being
discussed constantly on LKML, so I'll summarize.

The problem does not necessarily revolve around source control but
around control of the source. Right now, Linus has the final say
over every single line of code that enters the kernel and has the 
power to accept or reject it. Whether he does or does not use CVS
internally does not matter, because even if he did, he would be the 
only one with commit access to it to start with. For all we know, he
might have been using it for the past 10 years and never told anyone.

On the other hand, if the code /is/ forked, and not one person
controls the new fork, you still have to decide on an alternative 
way to project management issues, those that are currently in Linus's 
descretion -- CVS only helps project management, but it does not 
manage it by itself. For instance:

- Who has commit access to the code, and to which parts
- How to resolve disagreements between different maintainers
- How to decide the general direction of the kernel
- Whether maintainers of subsystems have the power to request every
  patch to go through them or do they have to delegate substrees in
  their parts too
- What code is disallowed due to inconsistency with coding standards
  or API preferences

Once such an alternative project management is sorted out and 
working, then whetehr it actually uses CVS for its sourse code 
management is only of secondary importance.

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