ntervention by Gadkari and Javadekar aids Maharashtra govt securing control
back from tribals over forests and the trade forest produce. Sets precedent
for all states Setting a precedent for the entire country, the Union tribal
affairs ministry has revised its views to re-interpret theForest Rights Act
and allow Maharashtra
department to get control back over forest management and a grip on the
lucrative trade worth crores in forest produce such as tendu leaves and
bamboo. The ministry had previously concluded that only tribals
<http://www.business-standard.com/search?type=news&q=Tribals>and other
forest dwellers had rights to manage their forests under the FRA.
But after a meeting in November at the cabinet secretariat between the
environment and the tribal affairs ministry, the latter has made a turn
around and re-interpreted the legal provisions of FRA
<http://www.business-standard.com/search?type=news&q=Fra>to give
Maharashtra state government control back over the forests with some
conditions. The move also comes after personal intervention by two BJP
Maharashtra leaders and Union ministers Nitin Gadkari
Prakash Javadekar. The latter is the environment and forests minister which
gave his ministry a say in the issue. Gadkari does not hold a portfolio
that is involved in issues of forestry.

In 2014, Maharashtra state government passed regulations that ensured its
forest department retained control over forest management which includes
the large-scale trade and sale of forest produce. The tribal affairs
ministry found this in violation of the Forest Rights Act which empowers
tribals and other forest-dwellers to hold sole rights to manage the forests
including sale of forest produce in areas where they have traditional
claims. The tribal affairs ministry repeatedly told Maharashtra that its
rules were prima facie in violation of and irreconcilable with the law.

This could now open the Pandora’s box with some states such as Madhya
Pradesh having already followed suit to put similar regulations in place
and states such as Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha working towards such
rules as well.

Business Standard reviewed correspondence within the Union government and
records of the meetings held that show how the turn-around was facilitated
over less than a year after a relentless pursuit by Maharashtra,
interventions of BJP’s two cabinet ministers from Maharashtra – Javadekar
being in charge of the Union forests, environment and climate change
ministry and the meeting held in the cabinet secretariat.

Maharashtra holds significance in this issue. It was in Gadchiroli district
that rights over the forest produce were first effectively given to some
tribal villages under the UPA government. The tribal villages auctioned and
collected crores from the sale of bamboo in the few villages.

The erstwhile Planning Commission had estimated in one of its report that
the annual trade in forest produce is estimated to be around Rs 50,000
crore. Before the Forest Rights Act was legislated the trade was almost
entirely regulated and controlled by state forest departments which used to
sell these goods through contractors, traders and contractors for
industrial use such as beedi making or paper and pulp manufacturing.
Tribals were paid wages for extracting the forest produce and substantially
lower shares of revenue in some states. The FRA was meant to break this
monopoly of forest department and contractors and to recognize rights of
tribals and other communities to manage forests – a practice legalised in
many other forested parts of the developing world where indigenous people
have traditional rights.

Responding to complaints from Maharashtra over the rules called the
Maharashtra Village Forest Rules 2014, the ministry of tribal affairs in
August 2014 wrote that these regulations were prima-facie in violation of
the FRA and should be kept in abeyance.

Reacting to this, in August itself Nitin Gadkari and Prakash Javadekar
to the tribal affairs ministry to withdraw its opposition to the state
regulations. At that time the tribal affairs ministry did not relent and
reaffirmed that the rules “encroached upon and are irreconcilable with FRA
and the Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas Act or PESA”. Maharashtra
did not back off. It sent legal advice from additional solicitor general
Pinky Anand which disagreed with the tribal affairs ministry. The ministry
stood its ground and wrote back that it had sought legal advice too and had
concluded Anand was wrong: the rules violated the FRA and were
unconstitutional. It gave a detailed explanation on the several provisions
of the FRA that were violated by Maharashtra’s rules which gave control
over forest produce to the forest department.

But documents show that on November 17, 2015 the cabinet secretariat called
a meeting of the tribal affairs ministry and the union environment ministry
after which the tribal affairs ministry finally relented. It passed two
orders subsequently on November 27th and December 8 stating its altered
stance. A copy of the November order was also marked to the Prime
Minister’s office.

In November it said it had taken note of the recommendations of the
environment ministry and Maharashtra government that other stakeholders too
could have rights over forestlands besides tribals though the FRA did apply
to all forestlands. It continued to say that there was overlap of powers
and unresolved legal differences created by the Maharashtra rules but they
“should harmoniously construed”.

Then in its December order it concluded, that as agreed in the meeting held
in cabinet secretariat, it would approve the rules of the Maharashtra
government with some amendments. The amendments would state that the rules
would apply where rights of tribals are not pending or claimed or gram
sabhas (village councils) have concluded that no future rights are likely
to be claimed. Earlier it had opposed the rules reading them along with
draft gram sabha resolutions prepared by the state government and said the
rules required approval of the President of India as they encroached on the
two central laws that expressly over-ride other legislations.

The tribal affairs ministry in its u-turn went a step ahead and said the
ministry of environment and forests should now prepare a new code for
sustainable management of forest resources. For long it has argued that
rule making under the FRA fell in its domain and traditionally the forest
department has been seen antagonistic to letting go of control over
forestlands to tribals and other forest dwellers. Till the code is
developed by the environment ministry, Maharashtra government and others
can now carry on with implementing its own rules even if they are legally
unresolved by reading them in ‘harmony with forest rights recognised and
vested under the FRA’.

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