en teoria això no afecta als europeus (de moment) m'equivoco?

On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 16:32, Jesús Corrius wrote:
> Reenvio el contingut d'aquest missatge. Crec que el tema es prou important.
> --------------
> Hi! Just came across the following:
> http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/ip/format/xmlpatentlicense.asp
> Office 2003 XML Reference Schema Patent License
> Microsoft may have patents and/or patent applications that are necessary
> for you to license in order to make, sell, or distribute software 
> programs that read or write files that comply with the Microsoft 
> specifications for the Office Schemas.
> So usage of MS Word XML files requires a patentlicense.
> :
> You are not licensed to distribute a Licensed Implementation under 
> license terms and conditions that prohibit the terms and conditions of 
> this license.
> You are not licensed to sublicense or transfer your rights.
> The licence is royalty free, but GPL §7 requires the right to sublicence
> patent rights to the people who obtain a GPL program from you.
> so in other words Microsoft is using patents to prevent GPLed programs
> from accessing the XML format that MS Word will be using.
> This is very good timing, and goes to show how important it is to ensure
> that the software patent directive has articles that protects 
> interoperativity from consituting patent infringemet.
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