I think that i found the problem. Look this when i make a ./configure

config.status: creating pixmaps/Makefile
config.status: creating po/Makefile.in
config.status: creating scripts/dialogues/Makefile

¿ po/Makefile.in ? :-o 
¿Don't should be Makefile?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/adonthell/wastesedge $ ls -la po/
total 684
drwxr-xr-x   3 david david   4096 2005-05-04 19:45 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 david david   4096 2005-05-04 19:45 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 david david      6 2005-04-16 13:13 LINGUAS
-rw-r--r--   1 david david  12425 2004-10-25 09:06 Makefile.in.in


El Lunes 02 Mayo 2005 17:24, Kai Sterker escribió:
> > From: David Moreno Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > The files of i18n in spanish from adonthell don't want install.
> > The directory is created but not exists in es/LC_MESSAGES/wastesedge.mo
> Hm ... you have copied es.po into the po/ directory? Maybe I can help
> if you send me some more information:
> go into the po/ directory and run 'make clean'.
> then run 'make' and afterwards 'make install' (also in the po/ directory).
> Send me the output of both ... if there is an error I might be able to spot
> it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/adonthell/wastesedge/po $ make
make: No se hace nada para `all'.

(Nothing to make. Need Makefile)


   David Moreno Fdez. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   nick: jcdenton en irc.freenode.org, 
   jabberid: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage: http://jcdenton.dnsalias.org

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