I propose a watch system for the wiki - those of us primarily
responsible for specific aspects of the game, project, or engine,
would watch our section for changes - both to assure accuracy and to
control unsolicited editing. We might also note when we commit major
changes to the wiki, just as Kai does to the CVS.

On 5/6/05, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/4/05, Andrew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I still need to look over their docs and such. Will do, of course, but
> > that will take time.
> Okay, here we are: http://adonthell.berlios.de/doc/index.php/Main_Page
> (I'm currently visiting my GF, so there's little time to do anything
> else until I'm back on monday ... right now she's at uni, so I had a
> couple of hours to install the wiki)
> As to the organisation: I think we should keep the current categories
> of the docs:
> For Programmers,
> For Game Designers
> For Artists
> For Writers
> If something does not clearly fit into one of the category this
> wouldn't be much harm, as it can be easily referenced from several
> categories.
> So have fun with the Wiki :-)
> Kai
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