Hi Jenda,

I haven't seen Adonthell crash during the intro so far. Maybe if you
can get me a stracktrace, I can figure out what the problem is. Just

    gcc adonthell

Then, at the prompt type

    run wastesedge

Once the intro crashed, type


and send me the resulting output.

Anyway, thanks for reporting the problem. And a Czech translation
would also be great :-).


On 9/16/05, Jenda Vancura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, Adonthell dev team,
> I am a true fan, but unfortunately, I can only offer very limited support.
> This is mainly because I am not a programmer (a few weeks on VB 6 don't
> count - that was before I was Gnu-lightened), nor an artist, but also
> because I graduate this year, and that's no easy thing in the Czech
> Republic.
> Anyway, I meant to report the following bug: During the intro sequence, the
> game crashes right after the background changes from the initial forest.
> This is the cammand line's opinion:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ adonthell wastesedge
> Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
> It happens each time, unless I skip the intro sequence. I truly hope this
> helps a little.
> Another thing I would like to point out is the fact that before the outro
> sequence, when all the characters are in the cellar room, the master
> Fingonson keeps saying things like "they should just take that Silverhair
> woman off to prison" at the same time he admits his own guilt - and that
> doesn't sound right.
> I might get around to making a Czech translation, in whole or in part, later
> on.
> Oh, and I run Ubuntu 5.04 on a P4 1600 MHz, tons of RAM and disk space,
> GeForce 2/64MB, no other OSes ATM, umm... Yup, that's the machine.
> --
> Jenda Vancura
> back in:
> Prague, Czech Republic
> finally on:
> Ubuntu GNU/Linux 5.04
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