I didn't realize png could do that. I can think of some uses for it
however - particularly spell effects - so adding support for it could
easily benefit the project.

On 4/7/06, Tyler Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Everyone,
>  I commited code that saves and loads pngs... If anyone gets a chance try
> running gfxtest.py now.  Some things to know:
>  You need gfx checked out and copy/link to the current directory.
>  Arrow keys move
>  F8 takes a screen shot
>  ESC quits
>  Let me know of any problems you run into.
>  Now I'm going to start looking at actually doing animation.  Will probably
> be a while before I have anything to show for it.  Also, PNG files support
> per pixel alpha.  Right now I ignore it, but I can add support for it if
> Adonthell can benefit from it.  Any consensus here?
>  Tyler
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