On 6/18/06, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I wrote this, no examples out of the ordinary came to my mind,
but only a few minutes later I received inspiration ;-).

We might also have a callback related to the 'ether', on_message which
could be used as a standard way for characters to 'communicate'. It
would be triggered when being in range of the character issuing the
message (i.e shouting for help when being attacked). The default
implementation could cover 'standard' messages like "Defend me",
"Thief!" and some such, but certain characters could react to special
messages too.

A character like Orloth Redwyne might respond to messages like "Food!"
or "More Ale", a sheep dog to stuff like "Come!" or "Stay!". Also,
party members could be controlled with this mechanism and beasts or
creatures could coordinate their attacks by having a 'leader' issue
commands to otherwise stupid minions (so that taking out the leader
will leave them pretty disoriented).

Anyway, I guess it might be a nice event driven mechanism to have NPCs
and creatures interact more than they would if only controlled by
independent schedule scripts.


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