On 6/29/06, Andrew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, please. A format definition - or even a nesting scheme - would be
very useful.

Okay. I could imagine three variations, although I tend towards number 2:

1. <data>
     <var id="" type="..."></var>
     <var id="" type="L">
        <var id="" type="..."></var>

  We only have elements of type <var>, which contain CDATA or, if
type="L" nested <var> elements.

2. <data>
     <var id="" type="..."></var>
     <list id="">
        <var id="" type="..."></var>

  We have <var> elements for simple types and <list> elements for nesting.

3.  <data>
     <uint_8 id=""></uint_8>
     <list id="">
        <string id=""></string>

  There is a different element for each type. Again, <list> is used
for nesting.

We will need to have the following types, also present in the binary
file format:

Boolean, unsigned integers with 1, 2 and 4 bytes, signed integers with
1, 2 and 4 bytes, floats and doubles, 1 byte chars and strings, binary
data and the list.

Since I have not too much experience with XML, I cannot really decide
which of the three suggestions might be suited best. What do you


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