Just to let you know what the state of these is:


* loading/saving is more or less functional. Reading of binary data
not done yet, and some problem with writing doubles.

* Once done I'll have to look a the endianness stuff once more to make
sure data files will be compatible across systems. That'll be of some
importance if we use a (pseudo-) saved game to store the initial state
of the game world. And also if we ever want to implement some
networking functionality on top of the serialization code.

* Also want to update the engine architecture docs with the changes to
the I/O code


* did some investigation and it seems that I'll have to build
py_runtime as a real dll, not as a module. Once I figured out how to
do that (the SWIG stuff seems to build modules by default), I'll see
how much further I get ...

* while I'm at it, I'd like to get a dependency graph of our
libs/modules done, to include in the engine architecture doc on the
Wiki. Might be a nice overview for new developers.

Back to work!


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