A long time I had the hope that somebody would step up and take care
of implementing the map stuff. But finally I have given up waiting and
started doing it myself :-). I'd still be more than happy if somebody
comes along and helps, but perhaps we first need to have something to
show off to people before that happens.

Okay ... what is there so far? 'cvs update -d' and you should get the
"world" directory that contains the latest bits of Alex' mapengine
from the Road_to_0-4 branch. So far I have:

* slightly refactored it (landmap is now called area, but perhaps
terrain might be a better name. Can't name it map, as it conflicts
with std::map otherwise)
* changed saving/loading to use flat instead of file
* improved code doc and uploaded recent API to http://adonthell.berlios.de/api/
* added TODO or FIXME where something looked suspicious
* made sure that everything compiles with gcc 4.0

My goal for the near future is to:

* finish animation class (maybe rename it to sprite in the process)
* streamline map code to better fit into v0.4
* add python wrappers for libadonthell_world
* recreate that great demo Alex had put together long ago (with
running, jumping, walking up stairs, etc.) and release a tiny little

If that doesn't create any interest ... well, in that case I'll have
to go and finish the GUI implementation on my own ... ;-P.

Anyway, let me know if you have a chance to look at the stuff or lend a hand.


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