Couple things changed over the last week(s), so I thought I'd let you know.

The bad thing was, that the HD died on my (employers) Windows laptop.
Good thing is, I took a backup of my Adonthell devel environment when
I was in Germany that summer.

Also, after having lost all faith that OS X 10.5 will be released in a
timely manner, I went and bought my MacBook Pro today. First test with
Adonthell PPC binaries were successful, but now I can also look into
producing universal binaries (Given that it is a wee bit faster than
the faithful old G3, experimenting and trying things out will be much
more fun).

The new box will also have enough space for a Linux partition,
allowing me to make sure that Adonthell will continue to work well
under Linux too. It will take a while to setup, though. Haven't even
decided on a distro yet ... but it's probably going to be either
Debian or Ubuntu.

Having all that said, I will be busy for a while before stuff is set
up to my liking, so I won't be productive for a couple more days. I do
hope that a faster box will then increase my productivity, however.
(One reason to not wait for Leopard was that Tiger might actually run
faster on the same Hardware and would in general have a lighter
footprint. Might still be tempted to upgrade at some point for the new
developer tools ...)

Next post will hopefully contain news about progress on Adonthell again ...



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