On Feb 12, 2008 4:20 PM, Rian Shelley

> > There is plenty :-). Are you interested in doing some of the GUI work?
> >   http://adonthell.berlios.de/doc/index.php/Tasks:Widget_Set
> I think I'll start looking into the gui. I'll spend some time looking
> at what has already been done, and then I'll draw up a class diagram
> to try to model this.

Sounds great.

As I tried to imply in the task description, there are a couple of
ways to go about this:

* use an external GUI lib (as long as it can be integrated on top of
our gfx and input modules)
* update v0.3 GUI to work with v0.4 (but code is in a sad state, with
UTF-8 support hacked in, features missing, etc ...)
* continue with current v0.4 GUI implementation (not much done yet)
* roll your own


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