On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With the code actually running, I can go and improve stuff over the
> coming weeks.

Being motivated, so here's some progress already:

The map view is now actually working and I've added a preliminary map
view schedule script that will keep the view focused on the character
as he walks around.

Rendering is still broken, but in a different way ;-). It's the next
thing on my list.

What bothers me right now is that I had the whole worldtest crash on
me after walking for a few steps. I now recompiled everything with
-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG in an attempt to find possible memory issues, and now
it works. The question is, was the problem a possibly outdated
_world.so python module? Or is it something that just does not appear
in debug mode?

Second, I have weird things going on with the controls. Moving left or
right works, but as soon as I move up or down, the character starts
walking in the opposite direction with no way to stop or change
direction again. And again I am left wondering if I might have broken
my SDL installation, or if I introduced a bug into the engine itself.
Did a diff on relevant files, but couldn't see anything obvious.

I might try on my other box (if I can get my hands on it for long
enough), but it would be cool if somebody else could try and see if
any of the two issues can be reproduced. Stuff is in CVS, just make
sure to update with -d to get the new directory containing the map
view schedule.


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