On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 4:09 AM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> -
> * cmakes 'make dist' is broken IMHO, at least when it gets to creating
> source tarballs.
> * the tools build has not been converted to cmake yet, and people have
> experienced issues building tools against the cmake created engine.
> * changes to a single cmakelist.txt file cause the whole 'configure'
> step to rerun, which in turn triggers a full rebuild.
I fixed the issue that was causing a cmake change to rebuild everything.  At
least now it doesn't on my system (cmake 2.8).  Also, with cmake, swig was
being run on every make.  I've fixed that.  Josh, I took out the -g from
devbuild.  The standard way to handle that is by setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to
Debug.  I thought about enabling devbuild when BUILD_TYPE is debug, but left
it as a separate flag.  This way we can run unit tests with release
(optimized) code.  I also added the audio tests, so doing make test should

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