On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 10:46 PM, Tyler Nielsen <tyler.niel...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Kai,
> Let me start off by saying, enjoy your easter.  if you can't get to this
> for a few days, no big deal.
> Ok I know this e-mail is from a while ago, but this I found the problem
> with jumping and it relates directly to this.  Basically we have a position
> of the tile you stand on when starting of: [256, 480, -5] - [384, 624, 0].
> When we check for a collision (in collide_with_objects) we call
> object_in_bbox, which takes the position and adds SolidMinPos([0,0,-5] in
> this case) and doesn't find the collision until we fall too far.  I sort of
> found this out already (but didn't realize the significance) when I modified
> the line:
>  shape->collide (collisionData,
> (*i)->Min-(*i)->get_object()->entire_min());
> In doing that I 'normalized' the position on the objects (0,0,0) so when it
> adds shape later it is correct.
> Basically there are two ways of fixing this.  One option is to change the
> definition of EntireMinPos and SolidMinPos, so they are always relative to
> the lowest values.  (In the case above, SolidMinPos would then be 0,0,0).
> But I'm afraid that will have far reaching effects that I can't anticipate.
> Two, I can subtract out entire_min when we are getting the solid_min and
> solid_max from chunk_info.  We are already doing it in a few other places,
> so maybe I can clean the whole thing up a bit as I go.
> I just wanted to run the whole thing by you and get your take before I go
> too far down this path.
> Tyler

Hmm as I wrote this I realized there was a simple fix for the jumping issue.
We may still want to clean things up a bit though.  I don't like just
subtracting EntireMinPos because it doesn't seem clear reading the code why
that's happening.  I'll try to clear that up.

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