On a train to work with pen and paper to doodle stuff for scanning
later. I'll get on the grandfather clock right now!

   - James

On 8/5/10, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've finally tested and fixed the map interaction code. As a small
> demonstration, I've added actions to two objects of the Redwyne Inn
> map:
> * The 2nd column right of the entrance serves as a "clock". It'll give
> you the current in-game time.
> * The barrel a bit further right displays a simple fixed string.
> For now, all this is simply written to the console, so the next step
> will be implementing the speech bubble to actually display stuff in
> the game.
> Note that while those two examples are very simple, the interaction
> system as such is powerful beyond your imagination ;-). At least
> powerful enough to implement all the interactions we'd need for the
> Waste's Edge remake: opening/closing doors. Examining stuff, etc. pp.
> The one thing it can't do is triggering an action by simply walking
> across the map. It always needs pressing the space key, while the
> character is looking at an object. The enter/leave map events we had
> in v0.3 are not implemented yet. I don't think we'd need them for the
> remake, but they will be essential later. Think traps or pressure
> plates or NPCs bursting out with a comment about a particular
> location.
> Kai
> P.S.: I was briefly thinking about adding the grandfather clock to the
> map to demonstrate the "clock" action, but I'd rather leave that as an
> exercise for our artists :-)
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