On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 4:45 AM, James Nash <cir...@twiddles.com> wrote:

> Hi Kai,
> As you can see, it's still work-in-progress. However, it's all made up of 
> building blocks that can be re-used in various ways to make other buildings 
> besides the Redwyne Inn.

Looking great already :-). Being able to reuse the tiles will be
something that's very important, at least in the beginning. I assume
that we might add more variety as time goes by, but I'd rather build a
first DB map with what we have, so that other parts of the development
can use that. Of course, first things first, so lets worry about WE
now and later about the rest :-).

> Those character gfx on the forum do look pretty nice. Perhaps we can contact 
> the artists directly to see if they'd like to join Adonthell.

Could be worth a try. Someone dedicated at making characters and
equipment/clothing would be good to have on the team. As I've talked
with Arikel earlier, the way to go would be to have a (few) base
models that are customized with a layer of clothing/armor/equipment
and possibly a face of their own. That way we should have less of a
problem, coming up with all the NPCs we need. And we can have the
player sprite show what it's actually wearing.


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