On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So for a start, I fixed some deprecation warnings and I also noticed
> that my GUI decoration code is broken with the SDL 1.2 backend. So
> I'll be fixing that next, then move on to scrolling.

Got stuff fixed, but not without a bit of a hack. There are still some
differences between the SDL 1.3 and 1.2 backends, when rendering from
RGBA to RGBA surfaces. Normally, we're drawing directly to the screen,
so this is not an issue. But the GUI code is rendering stuff onto a
cache image and that's where the difference becomes obvious.

I have changed test/imagetest into a testcase for this and you can see
the differences here:


The test generates 4 images, then blits each onto each other. The
ideal would be if both were exactly the same, but I don't want to
spend more time on it right now, as the SDL 1.3 backend is not in its
final form anyway. Still uses the 1.2 backwards compatibility layer
which basically limits it to software rendering. But unless there is
proper documentation, I certainly won't be able to adapt it properly.

I'll rather leave it at that and start work on the remaining GUI features.


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