Just completed and committed graphical scrollbars and an image widget.

To get things working, I had to give up on caching the decoration of a
widget. I think it wasn't very efficient anyway, as it did not really
reduce the amount of images being rendered. Instead it just added an
extra chunk of memory that hat everything precomputed. The focus
effect should be even more efficient now, as the highlighting is
applied to the individual elements once instead of doing it every

The scrollbar is used internally by the scrollview, but it can also be
decorated to act as a progress bar or other type of indicator.

The canvas widget can display any drawable. Right now that could be a
simple image, a sprite or a mapview. Could also be any other widget,
although I don't see how this would make any sense.

With that stuff out of the way, here are the next bits on the list:

* Document the decoration stuff for artists, so we can get a pretty new GUI.
* Re-Implement the dialogue window on Python side to remove the
dependency between rpg and gui modules.
* Implement speech bubbles for the NPCs (as per item no. 3 and 4 here:


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