2011/7/11 Michał Kaliński <sty...@gmail.com>:

Hi Michal!

> While trying to compile adonthell on a x86_64 Fedora 15 machine I run
> into the following error:

Same issue had been reported a few days back, and the fix for now is
mostly the same suggested below. See


> The "using tr1::hash" is there, because an error saying "hash is not a
> member of std" popped when I commented out the offending line.
> Still, I'm not sure if that is an acceptable solution for you.

I removed the need for referencing std::[tr1::]hash directly in one of
the files and added a conditional #define hash tr1::hash to the one
remaining header that couldn't be without it.

> By the way, is it possible to force cmake to install python modules
> with a given prefix and not in the default python directory? I'd like
> to be able to make install without root privileges.

The way the CMake build is setup right now, that is not possible. The
place to change this can be found in src/CMakeLists.txt:38

 macro(adonthell_install_py libs scripts)
    install(TARGETS ${libs} DESTINATION "${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGE_DIR}/adonthell")
    install(FILES ${scripts} DESTINATION "${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGE_DIR}/adonthell")

The problem is, when the python stuff does not end up in the
site-packages, they are not easily found afterwards. Setting
$PYTHONPATH could help in that case, but I am not sure if anyone ever
tried with success. I know there have been requests for the ability to
install without root before. Not much came of it, though. See


The problem in general is that for a "normal" install,
sharing the same prefix. So it's not possible to use
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when installing the python modules. Not sure how
to resolve that. Maybe allow to override PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGE_DIR could

> After compilation and installation, I tried to run worldtest as per
> instructions on the site, but it didn't quite work:
> ---
> $ test/worldtest -g ../adonthell/test/data/

> Any ideas what could be wrong?

The only thing I see is that there needs to be a space between
"../adonthell/test" and "data". The first specifies a custom game
directory (later it would use the one builtin) while the second option
points to a game inside that directory. Again, the idea is that there
could be multiple of those.

Hope that helps for a start. If it still fails, you should be able to
get more verbose logging by using either GLOG_logtostderr or
GLOG_minloglevel=0 as described here:



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