> As for the effect, not really sure what might be causing it. At the
> stairs I could imagine that the character still rests on a higher
> step. But for the veranda roof, I've got no idea.

Not just a higher step. Try standing in between 3rd and 4th steps from
then top and jump. You'll land on thin air, about the same height as
the first step but far from it. It's possible to do from even further
down the stairs, but harder.

It's similar on the veranda. You will land at the level of veranda
meeting the wall, the highest point you could normally reach by
walking and pressing against the wall. At least it looked like it when
I was logging GroundPos when attempting to wall jump.

> Also wondering about this change:
> -        VSpeed = frames_stuck > 2 ? 0 : VSpeed - 0.4;
> +        VSpeed = VSpeed <= 0.4 || frames_stuck > 2 ? 0 : VSpeed - 0.4;
> Was there a specific reason for keeping VSpeed >= 0? The idea was to
> increase falling speed on longer falls (although I guess in the real
> world, at some friction would mitigate the effect somewhat).

I changed that because when I added VSpeed == 0 check to jumping, it
turned out that you can land on the ground while having negative
VSpeed, preventing the character from ever jumping again. The VSpeed
was only set to 0 when z()==GroundPos, but sometimes GroundPos could
be a little higher then z upon landing (as noted in character::jump).

Even before that, it didn't work as you say. Since in
character::update VSpeed was only decreased as long it was positive,
you could at most end up with -0.39(...), which wasn't even noticeable
considering it started at 10. And since it seemed illogical to me to
have negative VSpeed when you have 0 on ground level (you'd fall
faster by jumping from the roof then by simply walking off the ledge),
I thought it was a bug.

Should I add it back (fixing the above mentioned issue)?

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