On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> One thing that might help, in addition to advertising, is giving the
>> TODO list on the wiki some love. I'd recommend making sure it is
>> up-to-date, and providing links to new wiki nodes giving as much
>> detail as possible on how to get started on the TODO--like the emails
>> you always send me when I tell you I plan to start on an item. ;)
> Yeah, maybe I should just go over these and see which are still open.
> Then move the email to the Wiki.

Started with overhauling the road map:


Made sure that the order better reflects the priority and threw out
stuff that seemed largely irrelevant. Each of the existing Waste's
Edge item now also has it's more detailed task page that sketches what
to do and where to go for information. I tried to keep true to the
structure of previous task pages, so let me know if more details
should be added.

I also plan to add some more items, especially for the programming
tasks that are still open. I'll let you know when that is up.

Related to the Wiki update: we also need to properly document all the
graphics and model conventions we came up with, and the editors as
well. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do that, but perhaps I
should at least make a start so that others can expand on that.
Especially the stuff here

and here



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