On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would say this is a problem with gui::layout itself, not just
> gui::conversation. If you look at the implementation, you'll see that
> conversation is a scrollview is as layout. The scrollviews only child
> is a list_layout that in turn contains all the answers. As long as
> everything is fine, focus is with the first answer and up/down moves
> it to the previous/next. But when pressing left/right, something odd
> happens with the focus. Given the involved widgets, I would have
> assumed that nothing but the answers can end up with the focus anyway
> (layouts should always pass the focus down to a child that isn't a
> layout). And the hierarchy we have is basically
>   scrollview
>      list_layout
>          button 1
>          button 2
>          ...
>          button n
> So we need to figure out where the focus goes and make sure that it
> stays where it is instead. gui::conversation should not have to change
> for that.

I think I know what the problem is. list_layout does not consume
left/right when its items are arranged from top to bottom. So it
propagates up to scrollview, which is not very picky. And here's the
bug: scrollview only has one widget, but if you look at
layout::moveleft (and its siblings), it will basically do

  if (focus(next_child))

Unfortunately, if there is only one child, then current and next_child
are the same. Surrounding the whole logic with

 if (Children.size() > 1)

should fix it. There's nobody else to take focus in that case, so why even try?
I'll see if this works ...


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