On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 10:33 PM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

There is one larger task related to the text rendering, due to a change in
>> the scaling implementation. [...] I guess that returning to the v0.3 way of
>> scaling everything upfront is the better approach. While this makes scaling
>> a bit less elegant, it'll avoid unnecessary complexity elsewhere.
> I'll see if I can get that done tomorrow. Looks as simple as the screen
> modes, but might also hold some nasty surprises.

Done, excluding one minor issue.

The good news is that text is again rendered at full resolution and
everything else is kept at 1x scale and upscaled on the GPU. Best of all,
it didn't need any changes outside of the surface code, so the solution is
both elegant and without complexities added elsewhere in the code.

The one tricky bit is that scale changes as screen mode gets switched
between Windowed, Letterbox and Fullscreen. In the event this happens, the
font cache is cleared and on re-rendering the text, the correct full
resolution font for the new scale is used.

Somewhere in there must be a small loophole, though, because the label in
the option screen that displays the current mode is no longer correctly
aligned after such a change in scale. I'll have to hunt this down tomorrow,
then SDL2 stuff is finally ready to commit.

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