Hi everyone,

just thought I'd give a brief update on the current v0.3.6 status.
As you can see from my TODO list (
http://adonthell.sourceforge.net/doc/index.php/Tasks:Adonthell_0.3), there
aren't really that many open items left.

Currently I am focussing on writing a comprehensive user manual that will
not only contain the information spread across the various READMEs, but
also additional material, such as some bits of our library that are
relevant to Waste's Edge and a retrospective of the Adonthell project. To
this end, I've been digging through old mailing list archives and IRC logs,
so it is a somewhat lengthy (but fun) process. So far I've arrived at the
release of v0.2 and am nearing the inception of Waste's Edge.

So it's yet time to update these translations! :-)

Other than that, I've been thinking about codesigning, which is becoming
more and more a requirement for OSX and Windows binaries in the future. For
Windows, I've come across Certum, which offers codesigning certificates to
open source developers for the modest price of €14, so I'll be looking to
get one of those. For OSX, the only way to get a useful certificate is to
sign up for a $99 Apple developer account. I'm tempted ... OTOH, if
somebody here already has registered and would be willing to sign the final
OSX package, I'd rather take my wife out for dinner instead ;-).

For OSX, there's also still the task of building a sandboxed version of
Waste's Edge, and I am also wondering whether it might be worth it to build
a 32bit binary for Windows. At any rate, I also need to fully document the
Windows build process and update (and possibly rename) the README.Win32

Last but not least, I am also considering to create a portable Linux binary
for those distros that do not include Waste's Edge at all, or may not
update to the new release in time. I know there are a number of "hip"
projects for that purpose, like Snap or FlatPak, but currently I'm leaning
more towards AppImage:http://appimage.org/

In the meantime, feel free to test the beta and report any issues you might
have. See
for the download links.

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