My system is HPUX 11.0 and TSM 3.7.3. We are using a 3494 with 2 3590 drives.
We are having problems with the backup. One of the nodes is a quite big SAP 
application with about 200 GB Oracle data base in several filesystems. We want to use 
the multiple parallel sessions of TSM to send data to the two tapes simultaneously in 
order to reduce the time needed for the backup.
When the scheduler starts, many sessions are also started but only one tape mounted. 
These are the messages from the activity log:
07/24/00   23:15:01      ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting ESALCO10 (session   
                          64) to start a scheduled operation.                      
07/24/00   23:15:01      ANR0406I Session 65 started for node ESALCO10 (HPUX)      
07/24/00   23:15:03      ANR0406I Session 66 started for node ESALCO10 (HPUX)      
07/24/00   23:15:06      ANR0406I Session 67 started for node ESALCO10 (HPUX)      
07/24/00   23:15:08      ANR0406I Session 68 started for node ESALCO10 (HPUX)      
07/24/00   23:15:12      ANR0406I Session 69 started for node ESALCO10 (HPUX)      
07/24/00   23:15:16      ANR0406I Session 70 started for node ESALCO10 (HPUX)      
07/24/00   23:15:22      ANR0406I Session 71 started for node ESALCO10 (HPUX)      
07/24/00   23:15:28      ANR0406I Session 72 started for node ESALCO10 (HPUX)      
07/24/00   23:15:55      ANR8337I 3590 volume 155609 mounted in drive DRIVEA       
What could be the reason for not mounting both tapes? we have defined maxnumpoints as 2
We have included many filesystem in domain sentences, how the system should distribute 
them among the tapes?

We still have more problems. When the volume reaches the end of tape we get the error 
messages that follow:

07/25/00   00:57:55      ANR9999D pvrntp.c(3172): DumpBlock error on drive DRIVEA  
                          (/dev/rmt/c3t0d0BEST); already reached EOV once.         
07/25/00   00:57:55      ANR1411W Access mode for volume 155609 now set to         
                          "read-only" due to write error.                          
07/25/00   00:57:55      ANR0523W Transaction failed for session 66 for node       
                          ESALCO10 (HPUX) - error on output storage device.        
07/25/00   00:58:00      ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVEA (/dev/rmt/c3t0d0BEST)  
                          (OP=WRITE, CC=0, KEY=00, ASC=00, ASCQ=00,                
                , Description=An            
                          undetermined error has occurred).  Refer to Appendix B in
                          the 'Messages' manual for recommended action.            
07/25/00   00:58:00      ANR9999D pvrntp.c(1673): Error writing EOT to NTP volume  
07/25/00   00:58:40      ANR8468I 3590 volume 155609 dismounted from drive DRIVEA  
                          (/dev/rmt/c3t0d0BEST) in library SILO.    

As you can see the cc=0 and I do not know how to interpreter the sense information. 
Have you seen something similar? Is the tape good? can we trust this backup? What 
could be the problem?
Thanks very much for any help, we are having a lot of problems in this installation 
and do not know how to proceed.

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