First, let me thank those who helped resolve our recent uncertainty about a
shared 3494.

Three unrelated questions.

1.      A user is having difficulty restoring files.  His explanation:

         >Hello Fred,
 >Just a bit more information.
 >I haven't been able to restore any files.  I tried restore 3 excel files
 >from my directory to 3 different places(on my local drive, to a new place on
 >ais-1, and to the original location).
 >All failed with the same message
 >"file thought to be compressed but was not
 >"report how you got this"
 >all this was through the gui Version 3, release 7 level 1.0

I've changed to boldface the error message that I can find no explanation
for.  Has anyone seen this message?  (He claims there's nothing in the
error log.)

2.      Does the "AUTHQUERY" option also govern the execution of
scripts?  I'd like to prevent people from doing an adhoc select query, sut
if I do that can they still run scripts?

3.      Is there an easy way to copy scripts from one server to
another?  I'm not looking forward to hand typing from one AIX machine to


Fred Johanson
System Administrator, ADSM
University of Chicago

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