I tried posting this a few days ago, but because of a change in my email address
I was not authorized.  Trying again......

>Is there a maximum recovery log size of 4 gig in the version of ADSM we
>are running?

There is a limitation of 5.3G.  You can use the undocumented command SHOW LVMFA
to see the limitation for that and for the size of the data base.  The
limitation is
the same for all current versions of the ADSM/TSM server.  It might change in

>Recovery log, maximum size              Per APAR IC15376, the recovery log
>                                        should not exceed 5.5 GB (5440 MB). But
>                                        APAR IY09200 says that the maximum size
>                                        is 5420 MB; and the max usable is 5416
>                                        MB, allowing for control information.

IC15376 is not quite accurate (although it does mention 5G not 5.5G).
IY09200 is accurate on the 5416K value, although the difference between the
5416K and the 5420K is not because of control information, only with how
calculations were performed that store data structures in a certain fixed
area in the first 1M area of each DB and LOG volume.

David Bohm
TSM server development

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