Dear ADSM-Users,

I'm running the ADSM client V3, Rev.1, Lev.0.5 on a Mac G3.
Since I'm not regularly working on this machine, I do not run
scheduled backups, I'd rather prefer to run a backup just before
shutting down the machine. Is there any way (a) to tell ADSM to shut
down the Mac after completion of the backup (not the scheduled one),
or (b) to write some apple script telling ADSM to do a backup, and
then shut down the computer?
   I hope the question is not too silly - I'm new in this list, and
did not found any answer in the archive of the last two months...


- A train station is a place where trains stop.
- A bus station is a place where buses stop.
- What the hell is a workstation?

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