Just some more statistics to ponder.

ADSM v3.1.2.55
AIX 4.2.1

tsm: ADSM>select sum(num_files),stgpool_name from occupancy  group by

  Unnamed[1]     STGPOOL_NAME
-----------     ------------------
    22254868     ARCHTAPE                  archives on tape
    40030448     BACKUP3590_OFFSITE        backup copypool on tape
       40284     BACKUPPOOL                backups on disk
           1     EXPORTTAPE
    40065503     TAPEPOOL                  backups on tape
           1     TSMDBB
           3     TSMTAPE

tsm: ADSM>q db f=d

           Available Space (MB): 54,640
         Assigned Capacity (MB): 52,600
         Maximum Extension (MB): 2,040
         Maximum Reduction (MB): 3,268
              Page Size (bytes): 4,096
             Total Usable Pages: 13,465,600
                     Used Pages: 11,276,542
                       Pct Util: 83.7
                  Max. Pct Util: 84.1
               Physical Volumes: 34
              Buffer Pool Pages: 32,768
          Total Buffer Requests: 170,457,627
                 Cache Hit Pct.: 99.12
                Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
            Backup in Progress?: Yes
     Type of Backup In Progress: Full
   Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 2.36
             Percentage Changed: 0.01
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 08/22/00   05:00:08

Archives are done weekly and kept 5 weeks.  Here is the biggest node:

sm: ADSM>select * from occupancy where node_name='BURLINGTON17'

NODE_NAME             TYPE                  FILESPACE_NAME
------------------    ------------------    ------------------
------------------    -----------    ------------    ------------

BURLINGTON17          Arch                  \\burlington17\d$
ARCHTAPE                  3124327       123482.60       123014.76
BURLINGTON17          Bkup                  \\burlington17\d$
BACKUP3590_OFFSITE       11619054      2045652.33      1922166.39
BURLINGTON17          Bkup                  \\burlington17\d$
TAPEPOOL                 11625703      2040859.54      1924437.27

So it has about 3,124,327 / 6 = 500,000 files.  Since we have about
11,000,000 backup versions, thats an average of 22 versions of each
file.  This is a general purpose Windows file server.


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