
You can use the -displaymode option when running dsmadmc to force the
display to appear the way you like. The following is from a V3.1
README file that contained this info; it did not get carried over
into the V3.7 doc, but APAR IC27300 has been opened to help ensure
it gets into the doc (Admin Reference) where it belongs.

P.S. When you want the output of the admin command to go to a file
AND you are using -displaymode, be sure to use redirection to write
to the file. Do not use the -outfile option.

Hope this helps.



  - A new option has been added to the command line Administrative Client
    called "-DISPLAYMODE". Prior to this PTF, the output from Administrative
    QUERY commands was displayed in a tabular format or a list format, depending
    on the column width of the operating system's command line window. This made
    it difficult to write scripts that parsed the output from the QUERY commands
    as the output format was not predictable.

    The -DISPLAYMODE option allows you to force the QUERY output to tabular or
    list format regardless of the command line window column width.

    The option is specified when invoking the Administrative Command Line
    Client, and has the following syntax:

        >>--- -DISPLaymode=-+-LISt--+---><
                            |       |

    If you do not specify the -DISPLAYMODE option, the default behavior is to
    format the QUERY output in list or tabular form, depending on the number of
    columns in the operating system's command line window.

    Example 1:

      dsmadmc -id=storman -password=adminpw -displaymode=list
              query domain > qdomain.out

      The file qdomain.out contains:

      ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager
      Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 3, Release 1, Level 0.6
      (C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 1997, All Rights Reserved.

      Session established with server BABYLON_5: Windows NT
        Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 1.3
        Server date/time: 11/15/1998 04:18:18  Last access: 11/15/1998 04:12:35

      ANS8000I Server command: 'q do'

                Policy Domain Name: STANDARD
              Activated Policy Set: STANDARD
      Activated Default Mgmt Class: STANDARD
        Number of Registered Nodes: 14
                       Description: Installed default policy domain.

      ANS8002I Highest return code was 0.

    Example 2:

      dsmadmc -id=storman -password=adminpw -displaymode=table
              query domain > qdomain2.out

      The file qdomain2.out contains:

      ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager
      Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 3, Release 1, Level 0.6
      (C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 1997, All Rights Reserved.

      Session established with server BABYLON_5: Windows NT
        Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 1.3
        Server date/time: 11/15/1998 04:18:26  Last access: 11/15/1998 04:12:35

      ANS8000I Server command: 'q do'

      Policy        Activated     Activated      Number of     Description

      Domain        Policy        Default       Registered
      Name          Set           Mgmt               Nodes
      ---------     ---------     ---------     ----------     -----------------
      STANDARD      STANDARD      STANDARD              14     Installed default
                                                                policy domain.

      ANS8002I Highest return code was 0.

Andy Raibeck
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
"The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked."

How do I force a query output to a file to be one item per line?

I'm sorry to repeat a question, because I thought I remembered seeing the
answer to this question a week or two ago. But I can't find it in my notes.

Often when I run a query f=d I get different layouts if I run it interactively
or direct the output to a file. This is spectacularly different in the query
"q stg stgpoolname f=d". When the output goes to a tty the result is nice,
easy to parse, one item to a line. When the output goes to a file I get a
table that is (if I counted correctly) 460 columns wide, but even so some of
the items are split across two lines!

As an alternative, when I run a command in a script and pipe the output, it
still puts out "(Enter to continue, 'C' to cancel)" and waits for a newline.
How can I get it to just dump the output through the pipe without paging?

ADSM server release is, command line interface, running on
AIX 4.1.5 and


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