Thanks for the help!

|        |          Blair Wickstrand  |
|        |          <Blair_Wickstrand@|
|        |          BR-INC.CA>        |
|        |                            |
|        |          08/23/2000 03:29  |
|        |          PM                |
|        |          Please respond to |
|        |          "ADSM: Dist Stor  |
|        |          Manager"          |
|        |                            |
  |                                                                       |
  |       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    |
  |       cc:     (bcc: David Browne/Louisville/Humana)                   |
  |       Subject:     Re: Abends on server                               |

This may be true during a time dsmc is not running. I have servers which
over 1 Gig of available memory, but when dsmc loads and gathers its data
TSM, it will run out of memory for large filesystems. To protect those
servers I
run dsmc from a dedicated server for tivoli client and run with
Long name support with the filenames/directory listing on the gui or the
command line remains a problem but at least the restored files come back
long names.

There was a couple of other instances I recall seeing a similiar abend. the
is yet unknown. during a incremental I have seen dsmc abend with lots of
available memory. In those cases smdr seemed to be implicated.


"David Browne." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/23/2000 01:09:44 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: Blair Wickstrand/Poco)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: Abends on server

Thanks for the quick response. I had my server guy double check the memory
on the server and he said it has about 85% unused. So he said memory is not
a problem. Any other suggestions?

|        |          Blair Wickstrand  |
|        |          <Blair_Wickstrand@|
|        |          BR-INC.CA>        |
|        |                            |
|        |          08/23/2000 01:54  |
|        |          PM                |
|        |          Please respond to |
|        |          "ADSM: Dist Stor  |
|        |          Manager"          |
|        |                            |
  |                                                                       |
  |       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    |
  |       cc:     (bcc: David Browne/Louisville/Humana)                   |
  |       Subject:     Re: Abends on server                               |

I've seen this on Netware5 servers ( or similiar ) when the server runs out


"David Browne." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/23/2000 11:21:32 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: Blair Wickstrand/Poco)
Fax to:
Subject:  Abends on server

I am fairly new to ADSM/TSM and  my network guy told me they are having
abends on the server related to TSM. Has any one had this error before.
We have Netware 4.11 and TSM 3.7.1 installed. Here is the error we are
Server LOUREP1 halted Monday, August 21, 2000   3:43:33 am
Break 1: Server-4.11a: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error code 00000000)

    CS = 0008 DS = 0010 ES = 0010 FS = 0010 GS = 0010 SS = 0010
    EAX = 1B9BD5D0 EBX = 49206573 ECX = 00007246 EDX = 198DD920
    ESI = FB0C1720 EDI = 18CC5010 EBP = 18704F38 ESP = 18704F38
    EIP = F106AB22 FLAGS = 00017212
    F106AB22 813B46494C45   CMP     [EBX]= ?,454C4946
    EIP in CLIB.NLM at code start +00017B22h
Running process: DSMC.NLM      181 Process
Created by: DSMC.NLM
Stack pointer: 18704FB0
Stack limit: 186FD010
Scheduling priority: 0
Wait state: 00
Stack: --18704F50  ?
       --FB0C1720  ?
       --18CC5820  ?
       F106AAF0  (CLIB.NLM|tanh+274)
       --1B9BD5D0  ?
       --FB0C1720  ?
       --18704F70  ?
       F10DE4ED  (THREADS.NLM|RegisterThreadCleanUpRoutine+223)
       --FB0C1720  ?
       --1BF87010  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --198DD100  ?
       F10D53AD  (THREADS.NLM|free+63)
       --FB0C1720  ?
       --18704FA0  ?
       --1BF87010  ?
       --18CC5820  ?
       --18CC5010  ?
       F10DEABE  (THREADS.NLM|RegisterThreadCleanUpRoutine+7F4)
       --FB0C1720  ?
       --1BF87010  ?
       --00000001  ?
       --18CC5820  ?
       --00007202  (DS.NLM|DSF9087990+3ECF)
       --18CC5820  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --18704FC8  ?
       --FB0C1720  ?
       --FB0C1720  ?
       --00000000  ?
       F10DEBB1  (THREADS.NLM|ExitThread+E1)
       --FB0C1720  ?

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by DSMC.NLM.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!!

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