Hallo all !

I've got the following problem: We had an IPL on our OS/390 V2.5 yesterday and
since then, the scheduler of our Open Edition Client doesn't start. Before the
IPL, everything was fine. We have ADSM-Server on OS/390.

Here are the errors from te Server-log:

24.08.2000 09:34:34   ANR0444W Protocol error on session 500 for node N230OECL
                       (OEMVS) - out-of-sequence verb (type SignOff) received.
24.08.2000 09:34:34   ANR0484W Session 500 for node N230OECL (OEMVS) terminated
                       - protocol violation detected.

and here are the errors from the clients errorlog:

08/24/2000 03:34:34 sessOpen: Error 137 from signon authentication.
08/24/2000 03:34:34 sessOpen: Error 137 from signon authentication.

i don't know what the problem could be because i didn't change anything on the
server or the client in adsm.

please help me, I'm getting mad and crazy.

With kind Regards

Robert Fijan

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