How do you tell when a tape should be reclaimed back from a backupset?

For instance, we have created some backupsets with different retentions,
example, 190 days, 365 days, etc, and have sent these tapes offsite.

How do you get a listing of the tapes that should be returned - all the
backupset query gives you as well as certain select statements is the volume
name and date it was created.

How do you get it to give you a listing of what tapes should now come back?

Any help will be greatly appreciated as I would love to implement this
across the board but am afraid of the administration that is going to be
needed behind it, especially with 250 + servers.

I know autovault has it in their program, I would purchase it, however, I
cannot get corporate to buy off on such an expense for 1 feature. I have
tried - but since we have already purchased DRM for 2 of our servers, and we
are soon implementing a third server, they shot me down.

I am working with TSM 3.7.2 on Unix.


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