There's problem with the silent install, see:

Here's my work-around, it isn't pretty and uses brut force (maybe you can refine it) 
but has worked so far You'll need to tweak for your environment. If you have any 
questions, please let me know.

john underdown
Synovus Technologies, Inc.

Soon.exe, shutdown.exe, and etc are from NT Resource kit, see rktools.hlp for details 
on these utilities. Make sure scheduler service running with an account that has 
rights to do all this. Interesting enough, the first reboot of the installation is to 
install the MS Install software. I'm assuming the NT srevers desktops are logged off 
to begin with.

rem copy down ntreskit utilities from TSM server
copy \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\soon.exe %windir%
copy \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\shutdown.exe %windir%
copy \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\regini.exe %windir%
copy \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\kill.exe %windir%
copy \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\tlist.exe %windir%
rem setup for first reboot
soon 600 \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\reboot1.cmd
rem setup for auto logon 
regini \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\autolog1.ini
rem start install which is on TSM server
\\sti_adsm\download\tsmnt411\setup /s /v/qn

rem setup for second reboot
soon 600 \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\reboot2.cmd
shutdown /l /r /y /c

rem turn off auto logon
regini \\sti_adsm\download\autolog\autolog0.ini
rem Kill "HTML Help 1.31 install program" due to bug
kill msi*.tmp
Rem that's it, lets get out of here
shutdown /l /r /y /c
\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
        DefaultUserName = REG_SZ  Administrator
        DefaultDomainName = REG_SZ mydomain
        AutoAdminLogon = REG_SZ 1
        DefaultPassword = REG_SZ <password>

\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
        AutoAdminLogon = REG_SZ 0
        DefaultPassword = REG_SZ 

You can setup TSM schedule service at the same time by calling this batch file:

rem first setup domain account <backup> with password tivoli
rem run in tsm's baclient directory
cd "\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient"
dsmcutil remove /name:"TSM Client Scheduler"
dsmcutil install /name:"TSM Client Scheduler" /node:%computername% /password:*** 
/ntaccount:backup /ntdomain:mydomain /ntpassword:tivoli /autostart:yes 

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