How do you delete OnBar backups?

I inherited an ADSM setup where OnBar backups are filling our tape
library. How do I get delete the old backups that are no longer
relevant. I can see them sometimes.

In dsmadmc I can run these commands:
adsm> q file ibm12_db

Node Name                          Filespace       Platform
Filespace     Capacity       Pct
                                   Name                         Type
            (MB)      Util
------------------------------     -----------     --------     ---------
--------     -----
IBM12_DB                           /infprd18       XOpen/A-     L
     0.0       0.0

adsm> show version ibm12_db /*
/infprd18 : /infprd18/18/ 104130 (MC: DEFAULT)
Active, Inserted 07/26/00 13:52:07

/infprd18 : /infprd18/18/ 104131 (MC: DEFAULT)
Active, Inserted 07/26/00 13:53:53

/infprd18 : /infprd18/18/ 104132 (MC: DEFAULT)
Active, Inserted 07/26/00 13:55:49

/infprd18 : /infprd18/18/ 104133 (MC: DEFAULT)
Active, Inserted 07/26/00 13:57:51

<goes on for pages>

Anything more than a week old is outdated, and can be deleted. But when I go
to dsmc to delete them, I can't see them:
dsmc> q backup /infprd18
ANS4095E No files matching search criteria were found
dsmc> q backup /infprd18/*
ANS4095E No files matching search criteria were found
dsmc> q backup /infprd18/18
ANS4095E No files matching search criteria were found
dsmc> q backup infprd18/18/*
ANS4095E No files matching search criteria were found

This is with Server version, client version 2.1.06G.


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