We recently moved to exchange and have implemented the TDP for Exchange.  It
works fine but managment is concerened of the fact that we cannot do
individual mailbox restores like we were able to do in Notes.  I am aware
that there is no Microsoft API that allows this (or am I wrong).  I've read
about some of you that are using products that allow mailbox restores under
Exchange but most of what I have read has been negative.  i.e.- Its slow, It
uses a non MS method, Its unreliable, all of the above, etc,etc....

My questions are:

        Is there anything new available from Tivoli or another vendor that
will allow exchange mailbox restores?

        What are your opinions of these products?

        Anybody using Legato with this capability?

        What do you think of it?

I would really appreciate any input from anyone



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