I had a similar problem. We halted the server and couldn't get it to
completely load again. It hung loading the recovery log. Anyway, the
solution was to apply the latest fixtest (not released) from Tivoli. You can
find it on their FTP server.

Seth Forgosh

-----Original Message-----
From: James Healy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 2:04 PM
Subject: Server not responding... Need help

Hello everyone,

I've hit a situation I've never encountered before. My TSM server(rs6000 70
v3.7 had crashed yesterday. We restarted it and it comes backup but will not
allow an sessions to be established with it.

I'm getting ans1017e messages and ans8023e messages. Thes messages state
there is an IP problem. I can communicate with the rs6000

but not the TSM srver running on it any suggestions or other place to look
for errors

Thanks in advance

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