I've been working on a similar issue (aix 4.3.3 client, and have
assurances from Support that mounts/umounts after client scheduler startup
shouldn't be a problem.  I did find a document that indirectly sheds some light
on this, at:

Although I profess no expertise in traces, it looks like the client builds a
list of
"what's mounted now" when it starts the backup session (ie: not at client
time).   If there is information available contrary to this, I'd be happy to
see it!


My particular issue was to try to understand what would happen if, some day
when I did an incremental of /home, the filesystem /home wasn't mounted and all
the backup saw was an empty /home mountpoint....would it then determine that
everything previously backed up had been deleted and expire everything (except
objects valid according to verdeleted and retonly)??

I understand the answer to this, too, is "no problem", because the server
not only the object name, but the "filespace" that it resided on.  There's a
confusing, IMHO) description of this in the client user's guide at:

I see the "filespaces" table on tsm, but can't figure out why some filespaces
included there.

I must confess that I don't yet understand this, nor how virtualmountpoints
might fit into
the picture.   If anyone can point me to other (better) sources of information
on these
topics, I'd appreciate the help.

Thanks.....JRS            (hoping to someday grok this in fullness)

---------------------- Forwarded by John Snyder/CTF on 10/12/2000 09:56 AM

Richard Sims<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/11/2000 11:20:18 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@INTERNET
Sent by:  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: Trouble with Automounted File Systems Getting Backed Up

>So why are my auto-mounted file systems that are mounted at the time the
>backup starts getting backed up when running via the scheduler?  I've tried
>running with no domain set so that the default takes precedent; no luck.
>I've tried explicitly setting the domain to all-local; no luck.  If I run
>the backup via a command line, no auto-mounted file systems are backed up

Anne - The difference in behavior from scheduler to command line execution
       suggests that the scheduler was started before the automounting
occurred, and that the scheduled client has a problem discerning then
that they are automounted.  Automounted file systems have long been a
problem for the clients, as evident in the APARs database.  Looks like
that continues to be the case at the 3.7 level.
   Richard Sims, BU

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